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Kim G C Moody is quoted in the National Post article “John Tavares the latest victim of Canada’s self-defeating tax regime” published on February 13, 2024.

Will Canada’s oppressive income tax regime ultimately ruin the competitive balance within the NHL? I provide my thoughts to the National Post on the outrageous CRA tax grab that Toronto Maple Leafs captain John Tavares is currently fighting. To read the article, click the link HERE.  

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Kim G C Moody quoted in BNN Bloomberg article “Tax hike on wealthy donors could add to charity woes in 2024.”

BNN Bloomberg gets my thoughts on next year’s increase on the alternative minimum tax (AMT) flat rate on charitable donations. What will the impact be on Canadian charities?

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Kim quoted in Financial Post article “Short-term rentals are adding to Canada’s housing crisis, report finds.”

I am quoted in the Financial Post article “Short-term rentals are adding to Canada’s housing crisis, report finds.” 

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Kim discusses the BC government’s attempt to use the Unexplained Wealth Order on CKNW Radio in Vancouver.

Enjoy my CKNW Radio-Vancouver interview with Simi Sara on the BC government’s attempt to use the Unexplained Wealth Order.

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Kim discusses the federal government’s short-term rental proposal on CKNW Radio in Vancouver (December 3, 2023)

Enjoy my CKNW Radio-Vancouver interview with Scott Shantz on the federal government’s nutty short-term rental proposal.

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My Presentation to McKay CEO Forums Group

I thought it would be fun and enlightening to share a recent one-hour presentation that I did on “The Top Five Leadership Lessons Learned” to a MacKay CEO Forums: CEO & Executive Peer Support group led by Noelle Leemburg. You can view my presentation slides HERE.

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Kim G C Moody on QR77 (Corus) Radio with Rob Breakenridge on October 12, 2023.

Kim was interviewed by Rob Breakenridge on QR77 AM radio in Calgary, Alberta, about his article in the National Post on why the family unit should be the basic taxing unit instead of the individual. Listen to the conversation HERE.    

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The Insider’s Guide to Finance Podcast | Winning the Game of Tax With Kim G C Moody

Kim G C Moody discusses the current state of tax law in Canada and the US, the biggest obstacles consumers face when it comes to navigating tax, and why he is advocating for a tax specialist designation

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience, speaking on and educating your guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

Join The Mailing List

Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. Kim also adds a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership. 

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience at your next event. I speak on, and educate guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

Join The Mailing List

Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. I also add a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss out on! Join my mailing list today!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership. 

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience, speaking on and educating your guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

Join The Mailing List

Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. Kim also adds a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership.