Have You Started or Are Thinking of Starting Your Own Practice? — Session #2

The Importance of Determining Your Vision and
Ensuring Your Legal Structure is Properly in Place

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Kim G C Moody

Kim G C Moody FCPA, FCA, TEP

Moodys Private Client, Moodys Tax

More about this webinar

In 1994, Kim G C Moody started his own successful and unique tax practice, which, through an interesting journey, grew into Moodys Tax/Moodys Private Client beginning in 2007. Armed with an entrepreneurial spirit, Kim was the driving force behind creating one of Canada’s leading boutique tax practices.

As a follow-up to the first session presented in November 2023 where we discussed a broad array of basic considerations of what to think about when starting or developing your own practice, this session will drill a bit deeper into:

You’ll learn about:

  • What exactly is your vision? Have you thought about it? Written it down?
  • Does your vision explain your “why”?
  • How exactly will you execute your vision? Do you have a strategy plan? Or a business plan at a minimum? What’s the difference?
  • What are some of the risks and opportunities for your new business?
  • Has your legal structure considered the above risks and opportunities?
  • Will you have partners? If not, why not? If so, has your legal structure considered this? How will partners be added and terminated and what are the triggers for those?
  • What about income allocation amongst partners? Is equal sharing the best model?

Join us for a 75-minute virtual session where we will explore these topics in more detail and give you practical insights and tools to tackle the above.

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Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. Kim also adds a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership. 

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience at your next event. I speak on, and educate guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

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Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. I also add a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss out on! Join my mailing list today!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership. 

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience, speaking on and educating your guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

Join The Mailing List

Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. Kim also adds a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership.