In the Mood for Entrepreneurship #5

Practical Strategies for Building and Growing a Successful Business

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Kim G C Moody

Kim G C Moody FCPA, FCA, TEP

Founder and Director

Moodys Private Client, Moodys Tax

More about this webinar

In 1994, Kim G C Moody started his own successful and unique tax practice, which, through an interesting journey, grew into Moodys Tax/Moodys Private Client beginning in 2007. Armed with an entrepreneurial spirit, Kim was the driving force behind creating one of Canada’s leading boutique tax practices.


During this webinar, we’ll cover the following key topics:


  • How do entrepreneurs deal with external threats or matters that are beyond their control (like tariffs)?

  • Can they be positioned as opportunities?

  • How can entrepreneurs learn basic entrepreneurial skills (business skills, peer-to-peer learning)?

  • The importance of empathy as entrepreneurs build their teams.

  • The need to be diligent on hiring and firing.


Join us for a 45-minute virtual session where we will explore these topics in more detail and give you the tools to tackle the above.

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