In The Mood for Leadership with Kim G C Moody #1

Do you need to be "likeable" to be an effective leader?

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Kim G C Moody

Kim G C Moody FCPA, FCA, TEP

More about this webinar

Are you “In the Mood” to Elevate your Leadership Skills?


Unlock your leadership potential this September 12! This session is perfect for aspiring managers, team leaders, and business professionals looking to take their management skills to the next level. Led by seasoned expert Kim G C Moody, you’ll learn effective strategies for team building, decision-making, and achieving organizational goals.  


In this webinar, our key discussion will be whether or not a leader needs to be “likeable” to be an effective leader. Surprisingly, this is often a hotly debated topic. Kim will also discuss how titles can be used to assist and detract from a leader’s core functions and specifically, the fact that having a title doesn’t make one a leader…far from it.  


Get ready for an action packed and content rich webinar!


Join us for a 75-minute jam packed session to engage in real-time Q&A sessions and gain clarity and confidence in your leadership and management skills. Secure your spot and take a proactive step towards leadership mastery! 


Live on: September 12, 12:00pm – 1:15pm MST


(Once you register, you will receive an email reminder with the link to the live Zoom Webinar 24 hours before the event).

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience, speaking on and educating your guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

Join The Mailing List

Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. Kim also adds a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership. 

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience at your next event. I speak on, and educate guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

Join The Mailing List

Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. I also add a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss out on! Join my mailing list today!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership. 

Book Me For Your Event

Book me for a curated experience, speaking on and educating your guests on Canadian tax issues, concerns, best practices for accountants, businesses, citizens, etc.

Join The Mailing List

Each week, I muse about one key issue in taxation, leadership & economics in my 1-1-1 Newsletter. Kim also adds a bonus comment that you don’t want to miss!

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Are you an entrepreneur interested in peer-to-peer learning with Kim  Moody? Learn more about how I can help take your business to the next level, focusing on finances, networking & leadership.