Read Kim’s latest news, views, and analysis from the perspective of one of Canada’s leading tax authorities.
Tax Mythology
In 2020, I published my first book – Making Life Less Taxing. It’s a breezy read and was intended to put my toe in the water in the field of publishing while trying to push my message that people should take their tax affairs a lot more seriously than I have experienced over my career…
Concern For the Future of the Tax Profession
I’ve often said – and most recently in a published article – that taxation is not for the faint of heart. There’s a reason why Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying that the hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. I think he was correct… [Read more]
Kim G C Moody is quoted in C2C Journal article “Want to Fix Canada’s Screwed-Up Income Tax System? Start By Taxing Families,” April 8, 2024.
“Tax policy should recognize economic realities, and one of the basic realities is that married couples – whether a husband and wife or same-sex couple – combine their incomes in order to pay their bills and run their household.” Read more of Kim’s thoughts on this common-sense solution to our overly-complex and unfair tax system.…
Kim G C Moody is quoted in the CBC News Story “Government falling short on promise to roll out automatic tax filing pilot, experts say,” on March 26, 2024.
Canada should move toward the U.K. model of taxation. Under that model, those with simple tax situations have their returns filed automatically but can correct any inaccuracies later. Read more of my thoughts on how the federal government is falling short of its promise to pilot a new automatic tax filing program for 2024. Read…
Be Better Informed About Canadian Tax
In March 2020, I published my first book, "Making Life Less Taxing," - an Amazon bestseller in several categories, including:
#1: Taxes, Industries and Professions, Accounting, Corporate and Corporate Tax Accounting.
#2: Accounting and Finance.
#3: Professional and Technical.
Purchase your paperback copy or Kindle edition today!