

Read Kim’s latest news, views, and analysis from the perspective of one of Canada’s leading tax authorities.

‘Twas the Night Before New Year (2025)

‘Twas the night before New Years, when all through the Canadian land, Not a taxpayer was happy, not even the taxman’s band; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that good economic and taxation policy soon would be there.   The Canadian citizens were nestled all snug in their beds, While…


‘Twas the Night Before New Year (2025)

‘Twas the night before New Years, when all through the Canadian land, Not a taxpayer was happy, not even the taxman’s band; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that good economic and taxation policy soon would be there.   The Canadian citizens were nestled all snug in their beds, While…



Kim G C Moody is heard on “Two Way Traffic” with Darren Coleman, Discussing Cocaine Dealers, AirBnB Operators & th CRA January 13, 2025.

Listen to Kim discuss the complexities, complications, implications and most importantly, the advantages of having money and family on both sides of the border HERE.


Kim G C Moody is quoted in the Canadian Accountant article, “Bench accounting lessons, CPAB rule changes and more Canadian accounting news” on January 12, 2025.

Read Kim’s thoughts on the CRA’s tactics to ensure taxes are paid, and the importance of warning vs encouraging HERE.

"I want to continue mentoring & empowering the next generation of leaders and professionals"

Be Better Informed About Canadian Tax

In March 2020, I published my first book, "Making Life Less Taxing," - an Amazon bestseller in several categories, including:

#1: Taxes, Industries and Professions, Accounting, Corporate and Corporate Tax Accounting.

#2: Accounting and Finance.

#3: Professional and Technical.


Purchase your paperback copy or Kindle edition today!

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